The L.S. SRL company with legal head office situated in S.S. 33 del Sempione, 219 – 20028 San Vittore Olona (MI) Tax Code/VAT identification Number 08382590969 (shown below as L.S.) is the owner of the website: www.lasardegna1930.it

Acceptance of the Terms of Service and General Condition of Sale

The following conditions are applied to the End user, shown hereafter as the “Consumer”, meaning the person or entity that purchases goods, not to be destined to any commercial activity, in relation to whom will be provided specific agreements.

The contract between L.S. and the Consumer that purchases will intended as concluded with the acceptance, even partial, of the order by L.S. 

By placing an order with one of the different modalities, the Consumer declares to have read all the information provided to him with this document and/or during the purchase process, and to wholly accept the terms and conditions and the methods of payment described below.

The Consumer acknowledges and expressly accepts that in order to purchase alcoholic beverages they must be at least eighteen years of age. The Consumer, therefore, in the act of concluding an order that contains alcoholic beverages, expressly declares and guarantees to be of age. L.S. reserves the right to ascertain the age of the Consumer during the order process. In case of ascertained lack of the above requirement L.S. will not process the order and/or deliver the alcoholic beverages. In the latter case, any contractual or non-contractual liability for direct or indirect damages to persons and/or property, caused by the non-acceptance by L.S., even partial, of the order will be excluded.

Methods of purchase

The purchase of the products can be made either at the retail shop in San Vittore Olona (MI) in S.S. 33 del Sempione, 219, or by placing online orders with the methods specified on the website of the store.

The Consumer may purchase the products included in the electronic catalogue at the time of the order and viewable online at www.lasardegna1930.it, as described in detail in the relevant information sheets. It is understood that the image accompanying the descriptive sheet of a product may not be perfectly and completely representative of its characteristics but differ in colour, size and accessory products in the figure.

All purchase support information is intended as simple generic information material, referring to the general characteristics of the individual product. The Consumer may request more information using the contacts that can be found the L.S. website.

In any case, L.S. reserves the right to insert additional information and/or special conditions in the information sheets of the offered products.

The correct reception of the order will be confirmed by L.S. by receiving an email to the e-mail address communicated by the Consumer. This confirmation message will contain the link to consult these Terms of Condition in addition to the order summary and the data provided by the customer for shipping. L.S. will put an effort in verifying the correctness of the aforementioned data and to promptly notify any errors, as described in this document.

L.S. reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel the online order, giving timely notice, by email, to the Consumer.

Methods of payment

The Consumer will be able to pay the price of the products and the related delivery costs by bank transfer, credit card, PayPal, Satispay, Scalapay or Gift card La Sardegna. For online purchases with “In-store Pick-up” you can also pay in cash.

L'importo relativo ai prodotti acquistati, verrà addebitato al Cliente al momento della conclusione e accettazione, anche parziale, dell’ordine da parte di L.S. 

The amount relating to the purchased products will be charged to the Customer at the time of conclusion and acceptance, even partial, of the order by L.S.

L.S. si riserva la facoltà di verificare il buon esito della disposizione di pagamento prima di procedere alla predisposizione della spedizione. In ogni caso, il pagamento dovrà essere effettuato entro e non oltre 3 giorni dalla effettuazione dell’ordine.

L.S. reserves the right to check the outcome of the payment arrangement before proceeding with the preparation of the shipment. In any case, the payment must be made no later than 3 days after placing the order.  

Order cancellation

The cancellation of the order by the Consumer may be made until the confirmation of the collection of the order by the carrier, which will be communicated to the Consumer by email.

Following the cancellation of the order or its revocation, L.S. will release the amount received, providing its refund, net of the fees applied by the service used for the payment.

No fee will be retained for refunds of purchases worth less than € 50.00 

The Consumer may also choose to convert his credit into a voucher valid for one year from its issuance, without any commission being deducted.

With the cancellation of the transaction L.S. cannot be held responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, caused by delay or failure to release the amount committed by the banking system.

Purchases are also subject to acceptance by L.S. which reserves, at its sole discretion, not to execute or refuse the order in the following cases:

- incorrect information provided by the customer while placing the order (for example: incorrect payment card number, or incorrect indication of the security code, incorrect or insufficient delivery address)

unavailability of the ordered products

inability to verify the outcome of the payment

In case of refusal or incapability of preparing the order, L.S. will notify the Customer of this impossibility, no later than the date fixed for the delivery of the goods.

The amount relating to the purchased products with electronic payment method, will be charged at the time of conclusion and acceptance, even partial, of the order by L.S.

In case of withdrawal of the order by the Consumer or cancellation of the order by L.S., the corresponding amount will be credited back to the payment service used by the Consumer. The time of chargeback on the chosen payment method will depend exclusively on the service itself and the banking system and, therefore, once the amount is credited back, in no case can L.S. be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, caused by delays in the actual re-crediting depending on the payment service chosen.

L.S. reserves the right to request additional information from the Customer to determine the actual ownership of the means of payment used. In the absence of the required documentation, L.S. reserves the right not to accept the order.

At no time during the purchase procedure L.S. will be able to know the information relating to the buyer’s credit card or other methods used, which will be transmitted via a secure connection directly to the entity that manages the transaction. In no case can L.S. be held responsible for any fraudulent and improper use of the aforementioned sensitive data by third parties, when paying for purchased products.

Purchase as a professional or enterprise

In case the purchase is made by a professional, they will be able to request the issuance of an invoice by filling in the appropriate text box during the order procedure and entering the billing data including tax code and/or VAT code. In this case, the invoice will be sent by email to the given address. The professional will be responsible for the correct entry of the billing data and is expressly informed that, in case of failure to request the invoice during the order, it will not be possible to request for it later.

Methods and costs of delivery

For each online order, L.S. will issue a receipt or invoice for the purchased products, attaching the aforementioned tax documentation to the shipment. For the issue of the invoice, L.S. will use the information communicated by the Customer at the time of the order and cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions of the data provided. No change or correction of the invoice will be possible after the issue of the same.

The prices of the products are expressed in Euro and are to be intended inclusive of all taxes and charges provided for by current regulations. The payment of the goods by the Consumer will be made using the methods chosen by the same at the time of the order.

In-store Pick-up or delivery of online orders

The request for collecting you order in the retail shop must be formulated at the same time as the purchase order. After processing the order, L.S. will send the customer an email with the information regarding the times and methods for the collection of the purchased products. The pick-up will be free of charge regardless of the amount of goods purchased.

The products purchased online will be shipped, subjected to the acceptance of the order and verification by payment, according to the timing and the methods described below. 

Orders received after 12.00 PM on Fridays or Saturdays, Sundays and including public holidays will be processed on the first following business day.

In the provinces of Milano, Lodi, Monza-Brianza, Como, Varese e Novara the deliveries, by agreement with the Consumer, may be made within 24 hours from the conclusion of the order.   

For shipments, both Italian and towards foreign territories, L.S. makes use of the best carriers operating in the sector, in order to guarantee the best result both in terms of speed of service and preservation of products ordered.

Products that, for their correct storage, need to travel in refrigerated vehicles at controlled temperature, will be shipped, in Italy, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Shipments to Europe, therefore outside the national territory, will be made daily by Corriere Espresso, even if they involve fresh products, this in order to ensure the fastest delivery to the consumer. The fresh products will still be placed in a special packaging containing dry ice, which allows you to maintain the correct temperature for at least three days from shipment.

The methods of shipments to be made outside the European continent must be agreed with our Customer Service, by sending an email to the following address: spedizioni@lasardegna1930.it.

Delivery fees

Each separate order of products, even if made by the same subject, will be charged the shipping costs. 

The costs for shipments towards Italy are shown in the chart below and include the costs of order management and product packaging.





For online orders with total amount below € 79.00

€ 20.00

For online orders with total amount above € 79.00 and up until 50 kg of weight


For online orders from 51 kg until 100 kg of weight

€ 20.00

For online orders from 101 kg until 150 kg of weight

€ 40.00

For online orders from 151 kg until 200 kg of weight

€ 60.00

The costs for shipments to Europe, and therefore out of the national territory, are indicated in the chart below and include the order handling charges and the packaging of the products.





For online orders until 50 kg of weight

€ 50.00

For online orders 51 kg until 100 kg of weight

€ 100.00

For online orders 101 kg until 150 kg of weight

€ 150.00

For online orders 151 kg until 200 kg of weight

€ 200.00

The delivery fees for both Italy and inside the E.U. territory, regarding online orders of that are over 200 Kg of weight will be communicated directly to the Consumer while finalizing the order.

The costs of extra EU shipments will be communicated directly to the Customer who makes a prior request by sending an email to the following address spedizioni@lasardegna1930.it

The customs charges related to extra EU shipments will be borne by the customer and must be paid directly to the carrier who will deliver the goods.

Shipping times and the subsequent receipt of products destined for Switzerland and the UK may be delayed due to customs operations not attributable to our company.

L.S. shall not be held liable in any way if the Consumer has not contacted the seller at the time of the order in order to verify the particular conditions or restrictions that may operate in the country of destination of the goods ordered.

In case of delay in the execution of the order or in the delivery of what has been ordered, for reasons independent of the will of L.S., the company will give timely communication to the Consumer.

Upon delivery of the goods by L.S. the Customer shall immediately check the number and nature of the products delivered.

In the event of the carrier’s inability to deliver the goods to the address indicated at the time of the order, L.S. will inform the Customer of the delivery / alternative collection of the goods, which may take place at another address, at a pick-up point, or with autonomous collection at the warehouse of the chosen carrier.

The shipping costs will be entirely borne by the Customer and will be quantified when entering the order of the data required for sending the products. Only once the mandatory fields have been completed, the final cost of the shipment will be highlighted.

L.S. may unilaterally decide the best carrier to use for the shipment depending on the type of product chosen and the need for transport by means deemed most suitable.

Right of withdrawal

Pursuant to the Consumer Code, the Consumer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract for any reason, without the need to provide explanations and without any penalty, except as indicated in the following points.

The right of withdrawal must be strictly exercised within 14 days from the date on which the Consumer or a third party, other than the carrier and designated by the Consumer, acquires physical possession of the goods shipped.

In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the Consumer is required to notify L.S. of its decision to withdraw from the purchase contract concluded, by means of an explicit declaration sent by registered letter A/R or certified e-mail to the address: ls1930@pec.it

Following the withdrawal, L.S. will refund the Consumer the entire payment made, including shipping costs, except those arising from the Consumer’s choice of a shipping method different from that provided by L.S.

The refund will take place no later than 14 days from the date on which L.S has received formal notice of the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the Consumer.

In case of withdrawal by the Consumer, the amount paid will be credited back to the payment service used by the Consumer. The time of credit on the chosen payment instrument will depend exclusively on the service itself and the banking system and, therefore, once the amount is credited back, in no case can L.S. be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, caused by delays in the actual re-crediting depending on the payment service chosen.

The Customer acknowledges and expressly accepts that L.S. will have the right to suspend the aforementioned refund until receipt of the goods.

The Consumer must return the goods or deliver them to L.S. without undue delay and in any case, within 14 days from the exercise of the right of withdrawal.

The goods must be returned intact, complete with all its parts and with the original packaging (envelopes and packaging), kept according to normal diligence, without any signs of wear or dirt. As provided by art. 57, paragraph 2 of the Consumer Code, the Customer will be responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods resulting from its manipulation, other than that necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and correspondence with the order made.

The right of withdrawal is subject to the following conditions:

The withdrawal refers to the entire order made and, therefore, no partial exercise of the right will be allowed;

The shipping costs related to the return of the goods will be borne by the customer;

The shipment of the goods subject to withdrawal will be under the complete responsibility of the Customer until the effective receipt of the same by L.S.

In case the products get damaged during the return procedure, L.S.  will notify the Customer of the incident (within 5 working days of receipt of the goods), to allow him to protect himself against the chosen courier and obtain the possible refund of the value of the goods. If requested, the products can be made available to the Customer for verification of the case, compatible with the deterioration or deterioration of the returned goods;

L.S. is not liable in any way for damage or theft/loss of goods returned with uninsured shipments.

Fatto salvo quanto previsto nel presente contratto e all’art. 57, comma 2 del Codice del Consumo, L.S. provvederà a rimborsare al cliente l'intero importo già pagato, tramite procedura di storno della somma addebitata sulla Carta di Credito o altro mezzo o sistema di pagamento. Sarà cura del Cliente fornire tempestivamente le coordinate bancarie con codice IBAN sulle quali ottenere il rimborso.

Without prejudice to the provisions of this contract and of the art. 57, paragraph 2 of the Consumer Code, L.S. will refund to the customer the entire amount already paid, through a cancellation procedure of the amount charged to the credit card or other means or payment system. The Customer will promptly provide the bank details with their IBAN code on where to obtain a refund.

The right of withdrawal referred to from the article 52 to 58 of the Consumer Code for distance contracts (online) is excluded in relation to:

An order of customized or clearly personalised packaged products;

An order of products that are likely to deteriorate or expire rapidly;

An order for sealed products that cannot be returned for hygienic or health reasons or that have been opened after delivery;

In reference to the cases of exclusion of withdrawal listed above, the Customer, in particular, is informed and accepts that the products that "risk to deteriorate or expire rapidly" include all food products, including spirits, wines and beverages in general.


What follows applies to the sale of all products, except those which warranty may vary due to the perishable nature of the goods or its expiry date.

The Customer considered for the purposes of these conditions "not consumer" is entitled to the warranty for defects of the thing sold pursuant to art. 1490 and ss. of the Civil Code. The Customer forfeits the right to guarantee if he does not report defects to the L.S. within eight days from its discovery. The claim for a defect guarantee is time-barred to one year after delivery of the purchased product.

Legal warranty of conformity

All products sold by L.S, that have a lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery and that manifest within 24 months from the date of purchase, determined by the receipt or invoice, are covered by the legal guarantee. The legal guarantee is reserved to the Consumer, that is to say to the person who buys the retail goods for non-commercial purposes.

The 24 months term is replaced by a shorter one of 30 days in case the goods are fresh, subject to short term or fast deterioration.

In caso di difetto di conformità, L.S. provvede, senza spese per il Cliente, al ripristino della conformità del prodotto mediante la sua sostituzione o alla riduzione del prezzo pagato. 

In the event of a lack of conformity, L.S. provides, at no cost to the Customer, the restoration of conformity of the product by its replacement or reduction of the price paid.

By way of example and not exhaustive, "lack of conformity" occurs when the goods purchased:

Does not conform to the description made by the seller and does not possess the qualities of the goods that the seller has presented to the consumer,

It does not have the usual qualities of a good of the same type, also taking into account the statements made in its advertising campaign or on its label,

It shows defects of conformity, even though it has been preserved in the right way indicated on the package or by the seller.

The Consumer forfeits these rights if he does not report to L.S. the lack of conformity within 60 days from the date on which he discovered the defect, provided that it is not a product that by its nature is perishable or subject to expiry in a shorter period, in which case the defect must be reported within the reduced period of 15 days and in any case within 15 days from the expiry date indicated on the product.

In cases where the Consumer intends to make use of the warranty in question, the goods must be returned by the Customer in the original packaging, complete in all its parts, including packaging and any documentation.

L.S. will replace the product that does not conform or refund the paid price. Save in exceptional cases, the replacement or refund will be made within 60 days from the return of the defective product to the headquarters of L.S. in S.S. 33 del Sempione, 219 - 20028 San Vittore Olona (MI).

L.S. reserves the right to examine the returned product to verify if, for some reason, the Legal Warranty cannot be applied (e.g. more than two years have elapsed since the date of purchase, the product shows damages and/or anomalies that have been caused by the consumer and do not result from a lack of conformity).

If, for any reason, you are not able to return a warranty product to your customer, L.S. may, at its discretion, refund the amount paid taking into account the use of the goods or replace them with a product of equal or superior characteristics.

The timing of any replacement of the product may depend on the policies of the manufacturer, therefore for reasons not attributable to L.S. which, as a result, cannot be held responsible for any delays in carrying out the replacement.

Manufacturer’s conventional warranty

Products purchased online by L.S. are covered by a conventional warranty issued by the manufacturer of the goods. The Customer may exercise this type of guarantee exclusively towards the individual producer. It is voluntary and does not replace, limit or exclude or prejudice the right to a legal guarantee of conformity.  

Acquisti nella sezione "Evitiamo gli sprechi"

I prodotti presenti nella sezione online “Evitiamo gli sprechi” potrebbero essere soggetti ad un termine di scadenza ravvicinato. Il Cliente si dichiara informato che la dicitura “da consumarsi preferibilmente entro”, apposta sulla confezione, sia inerente alla qualità degli alimenti e che gli stessi, se rispettate le condizioni di conservazione, potranno essere consumati in sicurezza anche dopo la data di scadenza. Tuttavia, dopo il suddetto termine, il prodotto potrebbe subire una variazione delle proprie qualità organolettiche originali.

Intellectual and industrial property rights

L.S. informs that the website, as well as all trademarks and distinctive signs used by L.S. in relation to the sale of the products, is protected by the applicable intellectual and industrial property rights and that any kind of reproduction, communication, distribution, publication alteration or transformation, in any form and for any purpose, of the contents of the site, the trademarks and distinctive signs used by L.S. (such as, for example, works, images, photographs, dates on wine labels may not correspond to the date indicated on the bottle purchased, drawings, dialogues, presentations, music, sounds, videos, graphics, colours, the functionality and design of the site).

L.S. assumes no responsibility for the trademarks and other distinctive signs that appear on the products sold by it on the Site, with respect to which the Customer does not acquire any rights following the conclusion of the contract.


In relation to defects or defects of the goods delivered by carrier, any disputes or complaints must be promptly reported both to the carrier itself and to the seller, by registered mail A/R or certified mail at: ls1930@pec.it. L.S. reserves the right to promptly check the above reports in order to ascertain any liability and proceed accordingly in compliance with current regulations.


Please read here the Privacy Policy.

Updates and editing

These Terms of Sale may be modified at any time. The Customer will be asked to accept exclusively the Conditions in force at the time of purchase. Any new versions will be effective from the date of publication of the same on the L.S. website and in relation to orders submitted after that date.

Applicable law

These Conditions of Sale are governed by Italian law and will be interpreted in accordance with it, without prejudice to any other overriding imperative rule of the Customer’s foreign country of residence. Consequently, the interpretation, execution and termination of these Conditions are subject exclusively to Italian law (subject to any other overriding imperative rule of the Customer’s country of habitual residence) and any disputes relating and/or consequential there to shall be resolved exclusively by the Italian court, as set out below. In particular, if the Customer is a Consumer, any disputes must be resolved by the court of the place of domicile or residence of the Customer according to the applicable law or, at the choice of the Customer in the event of action taken by the same, from the Court of Busto Arsizio (VA). If the Customer acts instead in the exercise of its entrepreneurial, commercial, artisanal or professional activity, the parties by consensus establish the exclusive competence of the Court of Busto Arsizio (VA).